Moving Bits: Networking Fundamentals, Part 1

Moving Bits: Networking Fundamentals, Part 1

At The Aspiring Principal I strive to offer a broad variety of insight, not only on career and industry topics, but also technical ones. I have found recently that many engineers think of networking as black magic, and as a consequence tend to avoid understanding it, thinking it’s too complex or too difficult. The unfortunate effects of this avoidance are bad decisions or unfounded assumptions when building systems. In this series I will strive to provide a fundamental review of networking, with particular emphasis on HTTP interactions over TCP/IP (i.e., Internet-like) networks. Three Layers, and an Analogy While it is…
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Plan for Failure First

Plan for Failure First

Over my many years in the software industry, I have come to observe a set of common patterns as people gain experience. One behavior (of many) that sets experienced engineers and developers apart from more junior engineers and developers is attention to detail, and in particular, the attention to how things are going to break. In our consistently fast-paced industry, management and business leaders often push for results on tight schedules. If you’ve worked in software for any length of time, you have experienced the squeeze, when a manager asks you to “temporarily” skip the testing steps and “overlook” good…
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To Be a Principal

To Be a Principal

The goal of The Aspiring Principal is to help you level up your career and become better at what you do. I aim to help you advance and work towards excellence in the software industry. In this post, I will help you understand what it is we are aspiring to become as Principals. While job titles are highly variable — and title inflation is worse in the Software industry than many others — the idea of a Principal is universal. In some major companies they are called Partners or Distinguished Engineers. Regardless of their title, Principals are at the pinnacle…
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